Flower Power

Spring is slowly shoving winter out of the way (the gorgeous weather this past weekend was just a quick glimpse into the far to distant future). That means the recurrence of wedding season and flowers, among other things. Have you ever noticed how much paper is used when people get married? Invitations, respond cards, envelopes, thank you cards… and it all gets tossed and forgotten. Same goes for babies; birth announcements, shower invitations, thank you cards. Well Botanical Paperworks has come up with a beautiful solution for all that waste that is just perfect for spring. 


All of the paper products sold by Botanical Paperworks are not only absolutely LOVELY, but plantable. Each peice of 100% post-consumer waste paper is embedded with wildflower seeds and can be planted like you would any other flower. They make products for all types of events and uses including weddings, babies, business cards, business promotion, stationary, holiday cards and envelopes. The seeds in the paper are bird’s eye, clarkia, coreopsis, poppy, catchfly and snap dragon. The Plantable Yummy Cards have seeds for herbs in them: basil, parsley, chive, dill, sage, and mint. They even have flower-ful confetti! So all you brides and moms to be have a looksie at their website and spread the love… and the seeds!

Published by: Ashley (intern)